Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fun times with my camera and Photoshop...

So I LOVE my new camera and it is really fun to play with high quality photos in Photoshop! I will post other pictures later, but I did want to get a picture of my little man up for his birthday!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Little Man is 5!!

So today is my little man's 5th birthday...where has the time gone? I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant like it was yesterday! Although it was July 4th, so I guess it would be hard to forget, right?
Anyway, Aidan was so excited this morning. Jesse and the girls opened his bedroom door and yelled "Happy Birthday" and Aidan said, "It's Thursday, Thursday is my Birthday. YEAH, I'm 5!" He is such a little ham! When I wished him Happy Birthday again on the bus before school he made me lean over so that he could give me a hug and a kiss and he told me, "I wuv you mamma!" I know it is his birthday, but he gave me the best present ever with that statement!!
We decided to have his birthday dinner last night since everyone was home. I asked Aidan what he wanted for dinner and he very innocently looked at me and said, "Ketchup." And then went on playing. I mean, how do you respond to that? After a little more prodding he decided that he wanted chicken fingers, french fries, and chocolate ice cream with cones. So we had chicken fingers, french fries with ketchup, and chocolate ice cream with cones.
Then he got to get his birthday present, which was the Wall-E DVD.... so of course we had to watch it that instant at 7pm. They all enjoyed being able to stay up late and watch the movie and everyone went to bed after without incident....which was a nice change!
All in all it was a great night with the family!

**My new camera should arrive in a day or two, so I will but up a picture of him then.