Friday, June 27, 2008
Good News Day!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I've had it, I'm done!
So this is what faced me when I tried to put the kids to bed today.....yes it is a broken window! It is the window that is right above Cora's bed. I mean really, was it really necessary for them to break the window? Then I tried to tape it up (you can kind of see it) to make it safer since I have no idea how I am going to fix it, and they pulled the tape off!!! I am so frustrated!
I don't know how much I have left in me to keep dealing with this crap!! I'm tired, I have had enough -- and of course things like this always happen when Jesse is at work -- not that having him here would really change anything since he sleeps most of the time know and I still have to deal with the kids.
Does every mom have these days? Does it pass? Is it just a bad day?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Patience Has Run OUT!!
Why is it that they need to throw every toys they own down the stairs, while dressed in six layers of clothes (none of which are the clothes I dressed them in in the morning), while screaming like a band of wild animals? Why is it that it is necessary to find a full bottle of baby powder (that was on the top shelf of the hall closet) and pour it all over the bathroom so that when I walk into the bathroom I inhale a cloud of powder and then proceed to slipp on the powder on the floor and fall? Why is it that they feel it is necessary to pull the sheets off of all of the beds and draw on the mattresses? Why is it necessary to argue and hit one another non-stop? Oh, did I mention that this is all from this morning?
Usually I am patient and can handle what ever they throw at me, but this morning I felt like just assuming the fetal position and crying myself to sleep!! Thank goodness I had to work today and I have class tonight!!
My only fear is -- what do they have planned for the rest of the week and a half to school starts again!!!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Friday, June 13, 2008
He Did It, My Baby Brother Did It!!!
He did it, he really did it!! Danny graduated from high school today! I am so proud of him! I can't believe my baby brother has graduated, I feel really old! For many people their sibling graduating is no big deal, but Danny and I are 12 years apart in age -- so him graduating makes me feel old!!!
But this has not been an easy road for Dan.... He has battled more than I can even imagine! Things have never come easy for Dan and he has really had to overcome some major obstacles -- but with much prodding, pushing, and love from my parents he has accomplished a big goal in life and NO ONE can take that away from him.
I can't say that there wasn't a tear in my eye when I watched him walk across that stage and get his diploma, Danny and I haven't always had a close bond (we are working on that and have gotten closer over the past few years) but even so I am incredible proud of him and his marking this milestone!
When we got home after graduation I gave him a big hug and congratulated him and at that moment we were both thinking the same thing -- "the only thing that would make this better if were Rick were here." But in my heart I know that he is thinking of Dan today. He is with us in our hearts and I know that he is diligently serving the Lord in Vegas.
Way to go Dan, I am so proud of you and all of the struggles that you have faced have only made you stronger! I love you!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thinking Abount my Little Ones...
Sometimes I joke that we prayed to hard and that is why we had 3 children in 4 years -- but in my heart of hearts I know that all of the trouble and problems that I had trying to get pregnant made me stronger and made me a better person so that I could be a better Mom! I also know that Heavenly Father knows what is best for us and that he does answer ALL of our prayers -- sometimes just in the time frame that He feels is best for us and not when we WANT the answers!