Friday, April 11, 2008

Boys Will be Boys

It was such a beautiful day out yesterday that I took the kids out to play...we used chalk on the sidewalk and driveway, we ran around the house, we even pulled out our bicycles!

We were riding bicycles in the driveway when Aidan suddenly disappeared --- know where he went???

Apparently he had to go potty -- I had just taken the extra potty out of the van and it was in the garage -- so I look up to see Aidan dropping hid drawers in the middle of the garage to se the potty....did I mention the garage door was open and half the neighborhood was playing on the street?!?!?

At least he thought to go use that potty rather than having an accident -- what am I going to do with that boy!?!?!?

1 comment:

calibosmom said...

Last Sunday while I was listening to the PM session of Conference from my computer, I just happened to glance out the window and see Solomon peeing into the chipmunk hole...IN THE FRONT YARD and Hannah and Caleb were just standing there laughing and watching. Gotta love 'em-cause no else one would!